Author’s Roundtable: Vonda Norwood

How long have you been writing? Has writing always been something you wanted to do?

I have been writing ever since I learned to put sentences together. I was in the third grade when I wrote my first story, a re-write of a Flintstones cartoon. I was disappointed by their anniversary special and wrote what I would have liked to have seen instead.
What books or stories have you written?

I have written two comedies and one erotica series.

“Facebook breaks up” is a romantic comedy. I wrote this fictional book using my own personality as the main character. It was so much fun to play the role of Liz Peebles. I laughed so hard I had a hard time editing and had to walk away from the story several times just to rest from laughing. 

“Indie Authors Make Better Lovers” is a sexual comedy, a short story. Not quite erotica, but almost. While tweeting, I got the idea to write this sexy story. I am the main character. This story is about me trying to use Twitter to tell the world that I have written a book and met a man who makes me feel the need to experience him. My true sexual fantasy.

I have written the first book of my 12-book sexually-explicit erotica series titled “Alison’s Diary (The Knowing Of Me Series)”  Book one is titled “The Door On The Left.” This series explores 12 different forms of sexual arousal and satisfaction through my main character Alison. This book is due out before July 1. I am still editing. Each month a new title will be released. Book two is titled “A Girl’s Best Friend.”  Book three is titled “Dead Man Cometh…Again.” Other titles will be announced after the release of book three.


“Facebook breaks up” and “Indie Authors Make Better Lovers” can be found on Amazon or Smashwords

How did you get inspiration for the characters?

The idea to write “Facebook breaks up” came to me when my eldest daughter moved from California to Arizona so she could go to the same college with her fiance. My daughter suggested that I, too, get a Facebook account “since everyone has one.” So I did, and I met up with tons of old friends from high school and one particular gentleman whom I had met only once. He and I never had a thing for each other and never will. But it is what gave me the idea to write the book. Also, my youngest two daughters were watching a nature program that explored pheromones. The idea that we humans are attracted to each others’ pheromones was fascinating to me, so I decided to invent a fun story, be myself as the main character, and I had a blast doing so.

“Indie Authors Make Better Lovers” came about because I was tweeting with a lot of people who teased me about my first book and were saying that it is a true story. It’s not a true story. So I started thinking real obnoxious like, “Why don’t I write a true story?” But I didn’t have one to tell. Then as I was doing more and more tweeting, I thought why not write out a true sexual fantasy that I have and somehow mention the wonderful people of Twitterland. So I did!

In “Alison’s Diary,” I created a young woman who looks nothing like me because I modeled my other books after myself and have had enough of the stories being all about me. 

Are the books based on personal experiences?

Yes and no.

Is there any advice you have been given that you could give to a young up-and-coming writer?

The only advice I would give to anyone who wants to be a writer is to just write. Write your story and self-publish it!!! You’re going to be ok!!!

Can you talk a little about the benefits of getting your work professionally edited?

I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been able to afford an editor.

What is the hardest part about finding a professional editor?

Paying for one.

What are some of the hardest things you’ve had to overcome as a writer, in order to be published?

Formatting on the programs. It’s a nightmare!!! 

How do you find enough time in the day to write?

I have an everyday routine and when it is not interrupted, I have plenty of time to write.  I said, WHEN…

How did you find time to write your books?

That’s just it, isn’t it? Time… Life always interrupts. Always! So, I am like a chicken with her head cut off, running around doing household chores, shopping, parenting, tweeting, exercising and writing. 

Do you set aside a special time to write?

Yea, I tried that once. Life interrupted so I write every single chance I get. If it was up to me, the only things I’d do are parent, exercise and write. 

Do you think writing has any benefits, and if so what would they be?

For me the benefits are being able to tell stories. I want to tell them!!!

Can you talk a little about how writing relaxes you? Any specific examples you can share?

Writing doesn’t relax me, it excites me. It makes me laugh, cry, and the erotica thing makes me physically uncomfortable!!! And that’s all I’m saying about that one!!!

Has writing made you a better person? Was there a point in your life where writing helped you deal with something, a death or a problem relationship perhaps?

No. I am who I am. Writing won’t make me better. That’s my opinion. But writing has helped me cope by giving me an escape from my unpleasant surroundings. Writing my blogs help me deal with getting personal, annoying or silly issues off my mind so that I can concentrate on my writing. 

Do you like to read? If so, what are your favorite genres and why? 

I really don’t like to read. If I did, I’d be a better writer.

Can you talk about how important reviews are to writers? What kinds of information do reviews offer authors like yourself? Have you ever received a bad review? If so how did it make you feel?

I don’t believe I have received a bad review. I’ve seen some reviews of my stories where I can tell that the person didn’t really read the story and got some info mixed up. I have had my rough draft reviewed by four different people, but loved those reviews because they reviewed the story as is and still liked the story. There is nothing wrong with saying how something could have been better. Everyone has an opinion, and I either agree or disagree with them. 

Is there anything I forgot to ask that you’d like to mention?

I am writing the sequel to “Facebook breaks up”  It’s title is “Facebook can also make ya go to jail.”

About Vonda Norwood

Vondo Norwood is a mother, author and silly, sexy video maker. She lives in Arizona.

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