Hello world. How you been?

I never thought I would get up the nerve to start a blog. I prayed a lot about it, talked to a few friends and finally decided that I wanted to write a blog. The hardest decision was figuring out what I wanted the blog to be about. Again, more praying… 

I don’t remember where I was or what I was doing, but one day last week or the week before God spoke to me and said, “Why not start a blog about what you know best? Spina bifida and how it’s impacted your life?” I remember I had this great feeling come over me and I said right then and there, “That’s IT!!!”

Now I know most of you are probably wondering what is spina bifida. Stay tuned and I’ll fill you in on what it is, why I scoot around in a really awesome red and black wheelchair, and how spina bifida has made me the man I am today.

So buckle up race fans, it’s going to be a great ride down my spina bifida journey!!!!