2012 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

19,000 people fit into the new Barclays Center to see Jay-Z perform. This blog was viewed about 65,000 times in 2012. If it were a concert at the Barclays Center, it would take about three sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

Click here to see my top 10 most-viewed posts in 2012, some of which were written before this year!!!

2012’s Most-Viewed Stories

As we come to the close of another year, I’m reminded of the many blessings I’ve received this year: a wonderful job with amazing co-workers, a great family that’s always standing beside me no matter what we’re going through, wonderful friends who always ask how I’m doing and look out for my well-being and make sure I’m taking care of my health, and the greatest blessing of all: a loving, forgiving Savior, Who always takes care of my every need and never fails to embrace me with His grace and mercy and ensures that evil will never penetrate my life or my soul. For these things I’ll be forever grateful, for they are the reasons I get up every day and keep fighting and struggling to survive even when my spirit is dwindling under the every day pressures of life with a disability.

I’m also thankful for the response my blog has received this year and the number of people who have taken the time to read and respond to my posts and subscribe to my feed. I can never thank my readers enough for taking a few minutes out of your busy day and reading my blog. I can only hope that my posts have given you a new perspective on life and helped you realize that we can all do anything we set our minds to, if we just put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ and leave it to Him to take care of our problems. There’s no doubt that I’m here today because I’ve put my life in His hands and don’t worry so much about the little things over which I have no control.

IMG_1362As we close 2012, I’m proud to reveal my top 10 posts of the year, based on reader response and comments. Thank you for believing in me!!

I hope everyone has a Happy New Year. I’ll see you in January, and I promise I’ll try to do better and try to post regularly, instead of once a month….

If you haven’t already, follow me on Twitter, and tell your friends about my blog and encourage them to sign up to get my posts. You’ll be glad you did, trust me 😉

Angels Among Us

About a year ago, I featured the inspiring video and story about Becky Kelley’s “Where’s the Line to See Jesus.” A couple weeks ago I found out that she recorded a new song, “Send An Angel,” and Becky was gracious enough to share with me how the song came about and what the holidays mean to her. I hope everyone who reads this and listens to the video are inspired as much as I am. Welcome Becky, and thank you for sharing your amazing story and voice with us. 

I actually started this song almost seven or eight years ago. It was inspired by my friend who lost her mom at the age of 12 because of cancer. I don’t know what made me think of that to write about, but I had the chorus for years. Finally a few years ago, I came up with some verses and a tune for them that I liked, which for some reason is hard to do sometimes. 

beckyThe first verse is a true story about her mom dying, and the second verse I wanted to reach out to another group of girls (teen moms) and try to connect with them on where they are. Overall, I really just want to inspire anyone and everyone on where they are at in life to hold on for HOPE. We all hear stories about horrible things that people go through, and if this song helps someone get through their day, week, month, or year holding out for hope, then awesome.  I’ve already received messages from women saying how much “Send an Angel” has helped them deal with what they are currently experiencing in life. I want people to KNOW there is a God who is listening. The chorus and bridge are actually a prayer… “Could you send her an angel or two? She’s been dealt a rough hand and doesn’t know what to do.” Bridge: “Wrap your arms around her, fill her soul with love. Let her feel the hope that comes from above.” When we had to decide on which song to choose for a video off of my new album, I knew already. This one reaches people at the heart, and that’s what I want to be about. 

The holidays, for me, mean time with family and celebrating the birth of Jesus! We talk about Christmas being a birthday party for Jesus around our house 🙂 Merry Christmas!!

Check out Becky’s website, become her fan on Facebook and follow her on Twitter.

Merry Christmas!

Yeah, yeah… I know it’s four days early but I wanted to start spreading the Christmas cheer early. And I brought a couple of my elves to help 🙂

I’ll probably be back to put some presents under the tree this weekend, so you better watch out. You better not cry. You better not pout….. Well if you don’t know why, I’m not telling!!!!


To Jesus From Santa

I was driving to work this morning and heard this on the Moby in the Morning radio show. I wanted to share it with my readers to remind them that Christmas is more than a guy in a red suit delivering toys to kids worldwide. It’s about a man who was persecuted and shed His precious blood to wipe away our sins. I just want to thank Christ for coming into my life and saving me from my sins. Lord knows I’ve had my share…

Dear Tiny Savior,

I kneel before you now to adore you as my King
If only people knew that you are everything.
They could truly feel a peace deep inside their soul
Instead of feeling frantic as this season takes its toll.
I wish that people knew You’re the one Who should come first
That Christmas came alive from Your humble birth.
Sometimes I feel ashamed that I am placed above
Your amazing gift for all, Your present wrapped in love.
Of course I want to celebrate and join in all the fun,
But I want these folks to understand the meaning of God’s Son.
I deliver loads of presents with my reindeer and my sleigh,
But You deliver people and freely give away
You love, grace, and mercy best gifts underneath the tree
And free for all who take them, starting with me.

Love always,


The Christmas Ten Commandments: A Reminder

In the wake of the terrible tragedy in Newtown this past week, I wanted to re-publish something I wrote around this time last year. May we never forget what’s really important and the real reason we celebrate Christmas. You know, the first six letters of Christmas spell CHRIST.

1. Thou shalt give thy heart to Christ. Let Him be at the top of thy Christmas list.

2. Thou shalt prepare thy soul for Christmas. Spend not so much on gifts that thy soul is forgotten.

3. Thou shalt not let Santa Claus replace Christ, thus robbing the day of its spiritual reality.

4. Thou shalt not burden the shop girl, the mailman, and the merchant with complaints and demands.

5. Thou shalt give thyself with thy gift. This will increase its value a hundred fold, and he who receiveth it shall treasure it forever.

6. Thou shalt not value gifts received by their cost. Even the least expensive may signify love, and that is more priceless than silver and gold.

7. Thou shalt not neglect the needy. Share thy blessings with many who will go hungry and cold unless thou are generous.

8. Thou shalt not neglect thy church. Its services highlight the true meaning of the season.

9. Thou shalt be as a little child. Not until thou has become in spirit as a little one art thou ready to enter into the kingdom of Heaven.

10. Thou shall not forget to share your joy, peace and faith with those around you.

— Author Unknown